7 business careers to pursue with a global studies degree

Economist – enjoy unrivalled analysis of the issues that lie behind the headlines. Picture: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

Economist – enjoy unrivalled analysis of the issues that lie behind the headlines. Picture: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

Published Apr 16, 2022


According to a 2017 report by Unesco, 57% of employers preferred a graduate degree for positions in international relations. The career opportunities such as management consultants, economists and executives help to cut through complex intercultural issues and create a positive impact on organisations globally.

A degree in global studies is in great demand in careers such as business, politics, finance and foreign services with a focus on economics, culture and globalisation as a whole.

Here are a few business careers:

1. Management analyst

To have a career in this field, it is important to have interpersonal skills as this job profile consists more of building relationships and analytical work.

2. International marketing manager

In order to become an international marketing manager, one must ensure that you are aware of the global market trends and develop products that meet the demand of the market worldwide.

3. Financial analyst

This career involves preparing finance reports, evaluating the organisation's financial decisions, recommending foreign investments and more.

4. Economist

To become an economist, one should have knowledge about goods, services, circulation of resources and other skills.

5. Human resources manager

The role of an HR manager is to hire employees and serve as a bridge between employees and management. To become a successful human resource manager, one must have the ability to keep employees motivated and should be able to enhance the company's efficiency level thoroughly.

6. Policy analyst

The market needs policy analysts. To become one, you must possess strong skills such as public speaking, writing and interpersonal skills.

7. Executive

An executive works to plan organisational strategies to help fulfil the company's mission while managing the resources as well as the employees.

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